Service Press Release Format | Service Press Release Example | Service Press Release Template

Service Press Release Format | Service Press Release Example | Service Press Release Template

Service Press Release Format, Example, & Template

Service Press Release Format | Service Press Release Example | Service Press Release Template

Service Press Release Format

{Name of the company}, {A brief summary of the company}, announced {the service name} {clearly state the service function}. The new service intends to { what is the service all about and how it benefits those concerned, the distinctness can be specified briefly}.

{An introduction about the company, its journey over the years in the industry, what the company is up to, its products (if any) and a few lines on the new service.}

{Name of the company}’s innovative service {Customer Pro} comes with huge benefits {details on the service and the benefits it offers} {Mention the features and how to use the service} {Uniqueness to be highlighted, if any}

Customers are overwhelmed with the new service announced by {company name} {More details on the company’s new service and some information on the customers/clients’ responses} {A few sentences on how the company is trying/planning to better the services such as joint ventures, partnerships, tie-ups…}

{Name of the company}’s promotional strategies {Is the company’s marketing plans working right, are they reaching out well, making their message clear, how are they reaching out} {Are the customers really benefitting}

{A good conclusion on the new service launch, a clear and informative ending} {What does the company plan for the future? Does it plan to offer more services? Perhaps some information from a trusted source, such as a company insider? Testimonials can be added if required}



Service Press Release Template

The following press release example shows how to write a Service Press Release:



ABC Electronics and Electricals announces a new service, Customers to benefit



{ABC Electronics and Electricals}, {the leading brand in the industry}, announced {a new service, “Customer Pro”} {to help its customers enjoy a top-notch customer service}. The new service intends to {greatly contribute to customer satisfaction as it was what the customers were actually seeking. ABC now sends its service professionals to the homes of its customers that have issues with their appliance, even after the warranty period has lapsed. The service also comes at a lesser price than the prevailing market rates.}

{ABC Electronics and Electricals is a reputed brand in the appliances industry for over a decade now. The company has earned thousands of customers over the years. ABC’s showrooms and agencies are spread far and wide, across the nation. It has over 1000 showrooms and a network of over 2000 agencies that are located in all the major cities and towns of the country. The company is also spreading its base rapidly and opening new branches in the rural parts to enhance its clientele. ABC was only into the sale of appliances until a few weeks ago when they started with their customer service.}

{ABC Electronics and Electricals}’ innovative service, {Customer Pro} comes with huge benefits {for customers. The company is now hiring local and freelance service professionals that work full-time/part-time to serve their customers on time. Customers can now place a call through the support system of ABC and relax while the company sends a service professional to their doorstep within 2 hours. They no longer need to take their appliance to any repair center. If need be, the faulty appliance will be transported to the service center by the company at a very negligible price.}

Customers are overwhelmed with the new service announced by {ABC Electronics and Electricals.} {The news has spread like wildfire {and customers are all praise for the company’s concern for customer service and satisfaction. According to company insiders, sales of their appliances is seeing an upward trend since the announcement was made public and this is expected to continue for the days to come. The company also claims to have partnered with several local transport companies for the transport of need-to-be-fixed appliances.}

{ABC’s} promotional strategies {are going perfectly for the company. The firm is reaching out to its customers in every possible way to ensure all the customers are made aware of the new service. This is especially beneficial for physically challenged and the elderly that were finding it hard to deal with their faulty appliances. Such people can now utilize this benefit to the fullest.}

{ABC has gained huge success with the launch of its new service for its customers. Hundreds and thousands are benefitted with this low cost, praiseworthy service. More innovative customer-centered services are planned for the future and sources make it clear that customer service will always be the priority at this electronics and electrical company.}



Linking News, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.


.vc_custom_1452662201783{margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 40px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}.vc_custom_1452056633692{padding-top: 37px !important;padding-right: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;padding-left: 30px !important;}.vc_custom_1521345406912{margin-bottom: 9px !important;}

How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

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Product Launch Press Release Format | Product Launch Press Release Example | Product Launch Press Release Template

Product Launch Press Release Format | Product Launch Press Release Example | Product Launch Press Release Template

Product Launch Press Release Format, Example, & Template

Product Launch Press Release Format | Product Launch Press Release Example | Product Launch Press Release Template

Product Launch Press Release Format

{Name of the company}, {A short introduction to what the company is into}, has launched {the product name} {the main feature of the product, why the product was launched} This innovation has {distinctness of the product and how it benefits the customers}

{An introduction about the company, what the company’s products are and a few lines on its journey over the years} {How the company stands out from the rest}

{Company name}’s new {the product/model name} comes with incredible features {mention the features}

{Product name} was launched {Talk about the new product in detail, its special features, added benefits and why customers will like it} {How the new product is a better version or how the product benefits the target customers…A few lines on the effects of the launch on the industry and market}

The marketing policies of {company name} {their working style, technology, how the company is helping the clients during the purchase…How aggressive is the company when it comes to convincing customers for a sale}

{Company name} has gained an edge with the launch of {product name} {Consequences of the product launch… how the people are reacting, is the product a success..a good conclusion} {A few lines on the company’s future ideas }


Product Launch Press Release Template

The following press release example shows how to write a Product Launch Press Release:



DANIEL MOTORS launches a new car, perfect for small budget families



{DANIEL MOTORS}, {one of the best in the automobile industry}, has launched {a new model, “DANIEL 200” with the intention of catering to small budget families}. This innovation has {brought in a revolution in the industry, and people are already coming forward in huge numbers to make their booking. The astonishingly low priced car offers comfort and efficiently serves the purpose, while making the dreams of millions come true. Families with a lower income can now afford a prestigious car without burdening their wallet. The idea was running over the minds of people in the industry for quite a while now, but DANIEL MOTORS has made it a reality}.

{DANIEL MOTORS has until now catered to the higher income groups with high-end cars and SUVs. However it is now targeting the average income groups as well, but a point to note here is, the company has not looked down on quality. DANIEL MOTORS has always maintained top-notch quality and promises to provide the same for all its models. The company has been able to withstand competition over the years because of its policies that center around quality and customer satisfaction. Small budget families can now walk into the nearest showroom for a test drive or call the support center for more information.}

{DANIEL MOTORS}’ new {“DANIEL 200”} comes with incredible features. {The car is well designed with sufficient space to accommodate a family of four or five. The rear parking sensors and the airbags are of standard make and the engine is an updated version of the company’s previous model “DANIEL 100”. The car also features an analog clock, a standard sound system, ambient interiors, and blind spot assist. DANIEL MOTORS also guarantees fuel efficiency while the road grip is said to be fantastic. The drive, as per the company officials will be smooth and enjoyable}.

{An improved engine means better performance and people are loving this more than anything else.}

{DANIEL 200} was launched {in order to make a good car affordable to the lower income groups but with such amazing features, this model is becoming a hit with higher income groups as well. DANIEL MOTORS showrooms across the country are seeing a rush that the industry has never seen before. Competitors are striving to cope with DANIEL MOTORS’s success and trying to come up with their own new versions.}

The marketing policies of {DANIEL MOTORS} {are getting aggressive by the day. The test drive is offered in all showrooms and agencies of the company and if people are not satisfied with one drive, an offer is made for another! The sales professionals at the booking centers are making all efforts possible to make sure the people get their queries resolved before making a final decision.}

{DANIEL MOTORS} has gained an edge with the launch of {DANIEL 200}, {the success has surprised many in the industry. The company has earned thousands of clients through this launch and expect more numbers will turn up by this year-end. Newer models are also being planned according to trusted sources to target different income classes. For now, families are more than happy to own a DANIEL 200!}



Linking News, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.


.vc_custom_1452662201783{margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 40px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}.vc_custom_1452056633692{padding-top: 37px !important;padding-right: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;padding-left: 30px !important;}.vc_custom_1521345406912{margin-bottom: 9px !important;}

How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

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Linking News- Five Best Press Release Distribution Benefits

Linking News- Five Best Press Release Distribution Benefits

The application of press release is getting popularity in the present days. So, the demands of press release distribution services are also rising at the same pace. Earlier, people used to advertise their products or business using conventional modes. But with the invention of mass media, the way has become smoother. A press release can bring you the intended media coverage. Reaching the target audiences is possible using the method. Besides, there is almost zero cost for the press release. If you can select the best words for your press release, hopefully, it will meet your requirement.

Five of the key benefits of press release distribution are mentioned here.

Reaches everyone

In the present day, everyone is attached to newspapers in different ways. People read the news and get information from various online and offline sources. So, when your press release gets the right attention, the readers can have it on the platforms. This is a significant way to reach different types of people at a time.

Boosts sales instantly 

If you are a businessman, the press release will have a significant contribution to boost your sales. This is a type of direct advertisement that allows the audience to know about your product. Issuing a press release, you are informing about your business to attract your target audiences. Consequently, your sales get a boost indeed.

Better visibility

A press release distribution service can help you get the optimum level of visibility. When your news is publicized on a particular newspaper or portal, people of different strata will view that. Besides, the story will remain on the newspaper page and cannot be removed. So, even people would be able to come in contact with the matter even at a later date.

Rapid publication

When you make the press release, it may take time to get it published. But if you seek support from a press release distribution service provider, the publication chances are stronger. The professional service providers know how to make the press release effective. They do some prior research and accordingly write the press note. So, the media outlets prefer the well-written copies than the one with weaker words.

Attracts investment

Besides, you can also attract investment from different quarters. This is not always possible to run a business without proper investment. So, if you use the press release distribution services, you can advertise your business and thus indirectly can also attract investments. It will help to improve your business in different aspects.


Linking News, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.


.vc_custom_1452662201783{margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 40px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}.vc_custom_1452056633692{padding-top: 37px !important;padding-right: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;padding-left: 30px !important;}.vc_custom_1521345406912{margin-bottom: 9px !important;}

How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

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Linking News- Best Five Press Release Service Advantages

Linking News- Best Five Press Release Service Advantages

Linking News- Best Five Press Release Service Advantages

Linking News- Best Five Press Release Service Advantages

A press release is a formal process to reach the press. If you want to inform the world about your product, services, events or any other issues, a press release plays an important role. If you do not issue a press release, you cannot expect that mass media will know about them. Thus, you need to take the support of a press release. But often the media outlets overlook the press releases sent. It happens as the statements are not up to the mark. But if you hire a professional press release service, chances are more than the authority will notice the release.

Besides, there are some other remarkable advantages are available too. Five of the key rewards of a press release service are narrowed down here for your convenience.

Effective words

Usually, ordinary people are unable to get the right words to express their thoughts. So, they compose the press releases which cannot express the inner meaning. On the other side, a press release service can know the needs of the people. Accordingly, they use the perfect words to describe the requirements.

Aims target audience

The professional press release distribution services providers are aware of the target audience. If you do not know who the audiences are, you cannot make the press release effective. Knowing about the target people, the service providers input the necessary information on the press release. So, the information hits the target audience perfectly.

Easy publicity

Publicity is the fundamental aim of a press release. If your information is on the local or international media, you get strong publicity with almost no costs. But the process requires specific skills and expertise. When the words are in expert hands, they can bring you the needed publicity. So, this is another advantage of such professional service.

Fits everyone

The other advantage of a professional press release distribution service is that it suits everyone. Regardless of your business type or entity, the services will meet your needs. The well-written press releases can bring out the essence of your business core. You do not need to check it back to get assured.

Budget-friendly service

Some of the people might have ideas that such professional services are costly. In reality, they are not. Instead, they are less expensive than your imagination. You can easily afford the services to publicize your product, services or organization. The press release service knows the needs of the people and thus makes it affordable for its potential clients.


Linking News, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.


.vc_custom_1452662201783{margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 40px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}.vc_custom_1452056633692{padding-top: 37px !important;padding-right: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;padding-left: 30px !important;}.vc_custom_1521345406912{margin-bottom: 9px !important;}

How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

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White Label Press Release, The Best Press Release Distribution Service for Your Innovation

Get Featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and More

White Label Press Release, The Best Press Release Distribution Service for Your Innovation

Get Featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and More

Press releases are not uncommon. However not all press releases will arouse interest, this is because either the news is uninteresting or not worth sharing. It is significant to first determine the news that needs to be shared on media and news sites. This especially is true if your operations are global. Press Releases are required when you have genuine and worthy news to be made known to the people, such as an innovation. This is where you will need Press release distribution services.

Press Release distribution is a form of digital marketing. Businesses are utilizing this to the maximum to make sure they are found everywhere. One service worth mentioning here is White Label Press Release. The company has the strongest of networks on the global stage and come with large social media connections. Businesses can make use of these benefits to their advantage by hiring the services of this company.

The company has a large client base, with a notable clientele to its credit. Customer testimonials prove the firm is reliable. There are big businesses and the emerging ones on the list, so it can be observed that the company is keen on supporting emerging entrepreneurs.

When you have made a worthy innovation that can contribute to the industry largely, there is definitely the need for a PR service. White Label Press Release can inform your innovation on major media channels across the world and establish you as a major player in the industry. Moreover, the press release distribution the company offers is unbranded, meaning, the company name will not be mentioned on your press releases. White Label Press Release can distribute your content to millions in the shortest possible time through 10,000 news outlets and thousands of social media networks it has been associated with.

The large networks of the company will ensure your innovation news cross all borders and find themselves on major news sites. The act is quick as well. White Label Press Release guarantees that your news releases go live within 24-48 hours after approval. Quickness is vital where competition is at its peak. This is where the company excels.

White Label Press Release’ press release distribution services are affordable. This is clearly seen in their package plans. There are various packages designed for varied needs and budgets. You can choose the one that seems fit to your requirement. The company professionals will work with you to ensure you are satisfied with the core.


White Label Press Release, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.


.vc_custom_1452662201783{margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 40px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}.vc_custom_1452056633692{padding-top: 37px !important;padding-right: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;padding-left: 30px !important;}.vc_custom_1521345406912{margin-bottom: 9px !important;}

How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

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How to Choose the Best Press Release Distribution Services?

How to Choose the Best Press Release Distribution Services?

How to Choose the Best Press Release Distribution Services?

How to Choose the Best Press Release Distribution Services?

With the renewed trust on press releases as an essential part of a digital marketing strategy, a trusted press release distribution service can be your ticket to reaching your target audience. Press releases are free, it can be a part of your email campaign, and the only cost will be putting a decent one together.

There are many sites offering press release distribution services, but when you know the best sites to use for your press release distribution, it can make a huge difference for your organization’s growth. Even if you have stellar press releases and it was not sent out from the best newswire service, then the news will not reach your target reader. Whether you use a paid or a free press release services, it should have an impact on your bottom line.

In a recent study by Nielsen, it shows that a credible third party article (press release) is vital in influencing consumer decisions. Furthermore, the results also should that 85% of consumers consult their trusted expert content when considering a purchase and 67% of them trust an unbiased expert on their decision-making. This study reinforces the importance of a press release distribution site to help your brand be seen and read about.

Understanding where your release is sent is an essential factor in deciding the distribution options to choose. There are two types of press release sites catering to press release distribution services: Free and Paid.

With the paid press release distribution service, you will have more options to get your news out in an industry-specific avenue. A free press release distribution site has limited reach, and it is providing press release serves only to RSS feeds.

Qualities to Look for in a Press Release Distribution Services

There are many press release and content distribution options in the market. They all vary in what they offer and how they can help you achieve your goals. We have listed some of the qualities of press release distribution service providers that you need to look out for before you make the buying process.

Netted Media Pickup

Look for a content distribution service that has a proven record of accomplishment with the media and has a history of being a source of valuable news and information. For press release distribution, it should offer direct and credible delivery of news into the newsrooms of major trade publications and media organizations. An ideal service provider is the one that can connect the brand with industry experts using a compelling story.

Online Visibility

Your press release distribution service should help your brand reach the websites of big media companies that matter to you. These websites have the large viewership that will increase the chance of more people seeing your brand. Aside from news, sites consider also other niches that you want to reach like blogs and trade publications among others.

Search Visibility

About 85 percent of consumers are doing their research online; this is how vital search visibility is. Choose a press release distribution service with high search engine authority. This is for you to increase your chance of organically reaching your target consumer.

Conversion and New Audience Acquisition

Using press release distribution channels can help you get your story in front of additional consumers. By having your story discovered and acted upon by the audience, you seek is the primary objective of hiring their services. Therefore, get a service provider that have a network and content targeting options.

Brand Engagement

Check how the press release service enables you to share the content on various social channels. It should not have a social sharing built into the news release hosting pages, but should also provide an opportunity for the brands to engage with a broader audience. This is done through well-curated and industry-specific feeds.

When you are in the decision-making process of choosing the best press release distribution service, make sure to have the desired outcome in mind. It can be audience acquisition, media pickup or brand engagement. By communicating your goals at the start will help you create a framework to use in evaluating your options.


White Label Press Release, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.


.vc_custom_1452662201783{margin-right: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 40px !important;margin-left: 0px !important;}.vc_custom_1452056633692{padding-top: 37px !important;padding-right: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;padding-left: 30px !important;}.vc_custom_1521345406912{margin-bottom: 9px !important;}

How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

The post How to Choose the Best Press Release Distribution Services? appeared first on .



What Is A Press Release Distribution Service?

What Is A Press Release Distribution Service?

What Is A Press Release Distribution Service?

What Is A Press Release Distribution Service?

During the early days of digital marketing, a marketing plan revolves around blogs and emails. SEO was not as popular then as it is now. Some digital marketing strategies include few press releases. As it evolved, press releases became a critical part of marketing strategy. A press release can help the audience be aware of a product or service. It is also a fast and easy way to get audiences to talk about your product.

As digital marketing evolved, press releases fell out of favor and have become an afterthought when putting together a marketing strategy. This should not be the case, a press release is still a vital part of the plan and here are the reasons why.

What is a Press Release?

A press release is a short but specific information in a written form that reports a story about a product, an event or activities. This report is usually connected to a particular organization, business and reaches the media through varied means.

The media will not just grab a press release and run it on their paper. The circumstance or the event must be something that will pique the interest of their listeners and readers. It should also qualify as something that will benefit the community in a way. Some exciting press releases are picked up by bloggers and others who read them and find that it is worthy of sharing on their social network. A press release like this has more mileage over the others.

There are two types of press release. One is available for immediate release, which means that as soon as it is available to the public, anyone can share them. The other type has time limitations and only selected media sources can report it immediately. After some time, the press release is offered to other websites, news services, and blog owners.

Primary Purpose of a Press Release

The difference between “news” and “press release” is on their purpose. The main job of all press releases is to promote something specific or significant about a product. It follows a particular format and serves marketing and promotional purpose, and that is to let the media know about the event, to allow the press know about your business and to promote your business’s appearance online through blogs, social networks, and other means. All with the hope that the media will pick up your story and extend more coverage to your product or service.

If done correctly, press releases can deliver exceptional results for any business. It does not matter if it is big or small, regardless of the profit margin, profile or industry, this type of content works.

What is Press Release Distribution Services?

This kind of service either send your press releases to different locations or post them in a single website where the staff of the paper can search and find publications to publish. These press releases are related to a specific business or organizations. You can use a company like White Label Press Release, that provides the best press release distribution services to varied locations like ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, and other media sites.

The Benefits of Press Release to Your Business

In the media, content is king and distribution is her queen. You cannot sweep the potential buyer off their feet and make them want your product or service if you do not have a stellar copy. Choosing the right content and the proper distribution is the key.

Instant Exposure

This what a small or medium business who has limited resources needs to spread the word about their product and company. Press releases can give immediate exposure most effectively to reach the target audience. A robust content can play an essential role in promoting your product. If you have a sophisticated content strategy that has killer press releases, it will let you build authority and trust in different areas. When you have media outlets and journalists cover your story, you will have more people taking an interest in what you offer.

Increased Sales Potential

Press releases can boost your profit aside from giving you credibility and letting you stay in the public eye. It can highlight the key features and benefits of your product or service and position it on the customer’s top of mind. Although it is difficult to measure the direct effect of a press release from the increased exposure, it is safe to say that press release is a powerful tool to send your message and convince your potential customers that what you have is worthy of their money and attention.

You Can Brand Yourself as an Expert in the Industry

One thing that press release can give you is you can build trust and credibility in your field. An excellent press release can give you a chance to brand yourself as an industry expert. Being an expert, you can emphasize your product’s unique features and selling point.

Increase Website Traffic

Using press release, you can push the article on the top of your audience’s newsfeed and boost your exposure. When you include a link or two to your website, you are guiding them towards your other platforms where you can fully promote your product or service and sell them Google has purged shady press releases with manipulative links, so better go the traditional route of having a compelling content.

SEO Benefits

Press releases that are published by different media outlets can offer valuable backlinks to your site. With an optimized content, you can also increase your visibility online and will make your article available in the search engine. If you add other elements like tags and a set of relevant and industry-related keywords to your article, you can optimize it and enjoy the SEO benefits.

In choosing the most suitable press release distribution service, you need to find an option that is compatible with your goals, needs, and budget. Many distribution services are free and at your disposal but it is essential to filter them based on the SEO benefits and the amount of traffic and exposure that they offer. You should also go with the one that has a high level of authority and credibility.


White Label Press Release, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.


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How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

The post What Is A Press Release Distribution Service? appeared first on .



Best Press Release Distribution Service – White Label Press Release

Best Press Release Distribution Service – White Label Press Release

Best Press Release Distribution Service – White Label Press Release

Best Press Release Distribution Service – White Label Press Release

Are you looking for a third-party press release distribution company which will assist you in publishing news and articles online? Wouldn’t it be ideal if that company is hidden and not mentioned on your press release and report? Then you have come to the right spot because white label press release means unbranded press release or private label press release. The marketing and PR agencies can rely on such a solution, especially since it is available for them to offer press release distribution services to their customers with their own private brands. Wonder how?

Let’s get down to it

For years, spreading your word through social media is the top-priority for most companies and agencies no matter what their services or products are. It is inexpensive and you can target audiences around the world! And in case you want your business to be present on thousands of media outlets, there is only one way and that is to contact White Label Press Release. The news and articles from your company will be delivered to the high-quality media outlets such as ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Reuters, MSNBC, and many others without you lifting a finger.

Make your brand known

All you have to do is focus on your job and let us do everything else. We will spread the word about your company, news and products and thus reach millions and even billions of people.

The strongest network

You will not find a network stronger than ours. And we aren’t bragging about it, we are only displaying the facts. With more than 10,000 news outlets and over 1,000 social media around the globe, you can clearly see why we will get the job done. With your website URL all you want your audience to know will be distributed to the media outlets and social networks. It is that simple!


We guarantee that your news and articles will reach hundreds of media sites where people will have a chance to see what you have to offer. Furthermore, it is important to note that the press release issued by your brand will not be published on the WhiteLabelPressRelease. Also, there will not be any mention of our brand whatsoever.

Visibility and credibility off the charts

Just by appearing on hundreds and even thousands of media sites, the visibility and therefore the credibility of your brand will sky-rocket! The visitors will have a chance to double-check the information you provided and they will find the same info no matter where they go! With their as your potential customers, your sales department will flourish and their job will be so much easier.

SEO Upgrade

With a lot of carefully constructed texts and its placement all over the web, the SEO Score will raise, ranking your text higher in search engine result. We want to mention that link building is one of the crucial SEO strategies as well backlinks which will propel your content to the new heights. Backlinks from the best news sites in the world will significantly increase the credibility and visibility of your brand!

What are you waiting for? Get in touch with our professionals now!

White Label Press Release, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.


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How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

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