A New Approach to Press Release Distribution Service by Digital Marketing Agencies

A New Approach to Press Release Distribution Service by Digital Marketing Agencies

A New Approach to Press Release Distribution Service by Digital Marketing Agencies

A New Approach to Press Release Distribution Service by Digital Marketing Agencies

Contrary to what others are saying, the age of the internet did not kill press release. The many journalists are chasing after stories around the country is a testament that it is still very much alive. The internet and 24-hour news have increased the demand for more news.

Many companies use free press release distribution sites because it is an easy tactic for public relations. Many digital marketing agencies recommend not using this type of service. Instead, a paid news distribution services can offer a far better result.

Press Release Distribution Service

It is necessary for companies to look for a trusted press release distribution service because it has many contacts with journalists and news outlets not only in the local, regional and national level but also all over the world. With this much network, it can distribute your business’ marketing releases not only to news and media sites but also in magazines, journals, podcasts, among others who are covering the industry you belong to. If you have a story to tell, the distribution firm will make sure that it is heard or read.

Importance of Press Release Distribution Services

When you use the press release as part a digital marketing service, your story will not work unless journalists and bloggers know about it. The answer is a press release distribution service offered by a digital marketing agency.

Press release distribution is inexpensive as compared to the traditional means of advertising. You only need someone to write the copy and post it where journalists can read about it. However, this method is a long to get your news to your target clients. There are free sites that offer these services, but they do not distribute the story to the media outlets.

According to Linking News, a paid press release distribution service provider, if you have excellent news that is worth getting out, you have to spend money get a reputable wire service.

Advantages of Paid News Release Distribution Services

An authentic paid press release distribution service provider like Linking News has good credibility with many journalists and even search engines. They can deliver the news copy directly to the actual journalists who will result in the placement of press release in print, newscast and many online news outlets. When your company is featured in primary news sources, it can also pave the way for it to be featured at the top of search engines.

With the aim of the press release of increasing the visibility of your business, it can be achieved from getting a reputable press release distribution service. Start-ups and small businesses can benefit greatly from this because if they can provide a steady flow of press releases, the target investors, customers and even future employees will know the company and the services or products it offers. A good copy will also position your company as an expert in your industry.

A reliable press release distribution service can help you connect with your target audience around the world. Writing and publishing a news copy on your own will only make it to the website without guarantee of reaching the journalists. A digital marketing agency, however, can provide access to the journalist who is seeking a story to write.


Linking News, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.

Visit www.linkingnews.com.

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How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

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What is a White Label Press Release Distribution Service?

White Label Press Release Distribution

What is a White Label Press Release Distribution Service?

White Label Press Release Distribution

The best way for any business to grow is to gain new customers. More customers mean more business and more business leads to better profits. One way to achieve this is to raise awareness of your brand and its products/services. But reaching out to new potential customers isn’t an easy task. This is where a white label press release distribution service comes into play.


What is a White Label Press Release?

Suppose your brand has a new product/service and that needs marketing. The ideal way would be to advertise it as much as you can. But clickbait ads aren’t effective anymore and traditional ads don’t reach enough people. But what if your product was on the news? Not just on your local channel but on the most viewed news channels? That would reach an audience far wider than a traditional banner ad. There are some PR agencies that offer press release distribution services. They will publish your press release (ad) on their website and also distribute it to many news outlets. But the problem is that everyone watching or reading your ad will know that the third-party press release distribution agency is running the ad for you.

That is the primary difference between a normal press release distribution agency and a white label press release distribution agency. A white label press release distribution agency will not put its name anywhere. The services offered are private. To your potential customer, you have a press release out and major news networks are covering it because it is an important development.


White Label Press Release Distribution

As an entrepreneur, you would never want your competitors or clients to know that you use a third-party press release distribution service to gain publicity in the market. This privacy is possible with the white label press release distribution solutions (unbranded or private label).


Reaching Out to New Potential Customers

The simple fact is, nothing sells like news. And having content featured in major news outlets adds an air of reliability and authority to your brand, turning every viewer or reader to a new potential customer.


SEO Optimization

Most businesses today are online, meaning having a strong online presence is a must. To be recognized online, your brand has to be at the top of the search engine results. How does one achieve that?

One way to do that effectively is to have strong backlinks. Backlinks from the authoritative news outlets are the strongest backlinks you can ever have. Just imagine ABC, NBC, CBS, or FOX directing their users to your website.


Social Media Presence

Sit back and think. How many people below fifty do you know who do not have even one social media account? Chances are, not many. Social Media today is a giant marketing tool. Having a Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts is a must for any growing business. Having a white label press release distribution service helps you here as well. They have access to thousands of social media networks and can boost your online presence overnight with mentions, hashtags, and references. No in-house social media team can do this at the speed of a white label press release service.


Creating a Global Market for Your Products/Services

News outlets aren’t limited to your country. Which is why the press release distribution services providers partner with international news outlets enabling you to harness a completely untapped market. If your product/service makes the life of local residents better, chances are it does the same everywhere. Why limit your business to political borders? A white label press release distribution service will tear through those barriers flooding you and your brand with new opportunities.


In conclusion, if you’re looking to reach out to new potential customers, a white label press release distribution service is exactly what you need. Hire one and see your business charts scale new heights.


Linking News, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.

Visit www.linkingnews.com.

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How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

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Non-Profit Press Release Format | Non-Profit Press Release Example | Non-Profit Press Release Template

Non-Profit Press Release Format | Non-Profit Press Release Example | Non-Profit Press Release Template

Non-Profit Press Release Format, Example, & Template

Non-Profit Press Release Format | Non-Profit Press Release Example | Non-Profit Press Release Template

Non-Profit Press Release Format

{Company Name} {A short introduction to the company} non-profit organization has come up with {what the nonprofit organization is into, who the organization members are} {Write who is praising the nonprofit organization} praise for the non-profit {who benefits from the nonprofit organization, where they are located and plans of expansion, if any}

The idea behind {Nonprofit organization name} {write a few lines on why the nonprofit organization was formed and what was the motivation that led to the formation. Also, write how the team was formed} Funds are mainly collected {mention how the funds are collected…donations/charity/sponsors}

{Company name} offers free {write what the company offers for free and to whom} The brain behind this non-profit organization {whose idea was it that led to the forming of this nonprofit company…write, according to him, what the organization does to help those concerned in detail and how it plans to operate}

Another intention of {Company name} {Write a few more lines on the nonprofit organization’s other services and operations. You can write them in the words of a trusted source of the organization, such as the organization’s director or president}

{Mention who has praised the nonprofit organization…firms/industries/individuals} appreciated the idea {any sponsors that have come forward to help …a few lines on what are the benefits if more funds are received}


Non-Profit Press Release Template

The following press release example shows how to write a Non-Profit Press Release:



Handihelp Comes As A Boon To Physically/Mentally Challenged Children And Senior Citizens



{“Handihelp”}, a {service based} non-profit organization has come up with {an innovative idea for serving physically/mentally challenged children and senior citizens. The organization is said to be a team of highly motivated individuals from different industry backgrounds that are keen on serving society. The public is all} praise for the non-profit {service that has come as a boon to thousands of handicapped kids and senior citizens. Their office is located in the capital city for now, but is looking to open more branches across the country in the next 4-5 years.}

The idea behind {“Handihelp”} {is to lend a helping hand to those that genuinely need help and are low on morale. Several people at this organization, as per the sources, themselves have handicap kids/elderly people at their homes and know how difficult life is for such individuals. They formed a team by looking out for like-minded people on social media and their other networks and thus “Handihelp” came into being.} Funds are mainly collected {through donations. They are now seriously looking out for sponsors to help them in their charitable work.}

{Handihelp} offers free {education to physically and mentally challenged kids. The teachers here come with special training and experience teaching in special schools.} The brain behind this non-profit organization, {Dr. Justin Thomas says the children here are made to feel at home and encouraged to do their best. They are treated like any normal child and taught to do their jobs by themselves, without depending on others. However as each child comes with a different disability and challenge, the organization has planned to divide the children into groups in accordance with their condition. A customized teaching method and processes are planned for these groups and utmost care is given to each and every child. Parents of physically and mentally challenged kids can now enroll their dear ones at Handihelp that promises to better the lives of such children.}

Another intention of {Handihelp, according to Dr. Justin Tomas is to help physically/mentally ill senior citizens. These people, in many cases, will not have sufficient income to support themselves besides the lack of caretakers. However the non-profit institution says it cannot accommodate them full time right now due to the shortage of funds, but definitely would love to provide them a home in the near future, once their operations go full-fledged and more sponsors come forward to help. For now, the needy senior citizens can avail a free service where one of the organization caretakers will be accompanying them on their doctor visits once a week. Once they register with Handihelp, the organization also studies their condition and sends reminders to take their pills on time as suggested by their physician.}

{Several industries and private firms have} {appreciated the idea} {and are coming forward to help. If the trend continues, the organization believes, the day is not far off when the handicapped individuals will become a part of the mainstream society.}


Linking News, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.

Visit www.linkingnews.com.

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How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

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CEO Announcement Press Release Format | CEO Announcement Press Release Example | CEO Announcement Press Release Template

CEO Announcement Press Release Format | CEO Announcement Press Release Example | CEO Announcement Press Release Template

CEO Announcement Press Release Format, Example, & Template

CEO Announcement Press Release Format | CEO Announcement Press Release Example | CEO Announcement Press Release Template

CEO Announcement Press Release Format

On the {date of announcement, name of the company and the business it deals in} excelling in {details regarding the fields that the company is a pioneer in or at least has a strong hold} it has been announced {date and person/organization that has made the announcement} has appointed {Name of the new appointee. Details regarding his/her predecessor and how and why he/she would be replacing the predecessor}

{Name of the appointee} with {details regarding the main reasons which have created the opportunity for the concerned appointee to be selected for the esteemed job of a CEO. His related skills in the managerial, financial and strategic departments that might prove to be a benefit for the company}

{Name of an intimate and high ranked official of the organization} has been quoted as saying, {comment released to the media by that esteemed official regarding the new appointee}

The {details regarding the many designations and honorary positions that the appointee holds prior to his appointment. Also, illustrate how these past experiences make him/her the suitable candidate to hold office in the mentioned designation and how well he has served in his past designations} {gender of the appointee in the third person singular} also served as the {further details regarding the previous accolades that have been collected by the appointee. Make it clear over here how he/she is a perfect fit for the job and might be a successful choice for the organization} {name of the appointee} also served as {other achievements made by the appointee} {name of the appointee} also holds {details regarding the educational qualifications of the appointee} {gender of the appointee in third person singular} has also {details regarding the other educational achievements of the appointee}

{Title stating that the next segment is regarding the details of the organization}

A {name of the organization and the business that it deals in} is developing {details regarding various achievements of the organization} The Company’s {details regarding the company’s leading beneficiaries, their target audience and in-depth mention of their various achievements in the field that they do business in} To learn more about {name of the organization} please visit {link to the official website of the organization which issues more details regarding the organization and the new appointment}



CEO Announcement Press Release Template

The following press release example shows how to write a CEO Announcement Press Release:



Multicell Technologies  Announced Its New CEO



On the {26th of May 2006, San Diego, Multicell Technologies, a Therapeutics developing firm,} excelling in {the treatment for neurological diseases of digressive measures, disorders of both endocrinological and metabolic bodies and diseases of contagious and infectious form,} it has been announced {today that the firm} has appointed {M. Chang (Ph.D.) as their new Chief Executive Officer which he will hold alongside his role of President in the hugely successful firm. His colleague and close acquaintance and former chief executive officer of the firm will continue henceforth as the co-chairman and secretary of the company.}

{Dr. Chang} with {his vast experience in the field of biopharmaceuticals and extensive influence in the management, development, and upbringing of strategic opportunities, the composition, and formation of corporate alliances and with his hand in introducing innovative therapeutic solutions to the ever growing pharmaceutical market, has been the president of Multicell since the 1st of February 2005.}

{Jerry Newmin, the chairman of the esteemed firm} has been quoted as saying, {“Steve is a proven senior executive and a strong strategic thinker. He has done an outstanding job over the past year transforming Multicell into a viable therapeutic company with a number of product candidates that we believe address unmet medical needs.”}

The {former CEO of Astral Therapeutics, Dr. Chang has written about his therapies for diabetics and other autoimmune conditions which were recently acquired by MultiCell. San Diego’s leading life sciences facility BIOCOM also holds Dr. Chang as an active board member. Dr. Chang also represents as the President of CURES (www.curescalifornia.org) which is a coalition of advocates for the patents as well as some biotechnology firms, pharmaceutical companies and also has ties to venture capitalists dedicated to ensuring the well-being and  research and continued development of innovation helping in saving lives with their medications.} {He} also served as the {vice president and chief science officer of Canji Inc./Schering Plough Research Institute based in San Diego from 1998 to 2004, with Genzyme, Myriad Genetics, Transgene, and Immune Response he maintained corporate partnerships which were all large biotech companies. From 1995 to 1997, Dr. Chang was leading Chiron Viagene and Chiron Inc. as the director, where he headed cancer therapeutics and gene transfer immunology and immunobiology, genetic programs, viral therapeutics and delivery comprising of four departments.} {Dr. Chang} also served as {director from 1988 to 1995 for Viagene, Inc. heading senior principal scientist and viral and genetic therapeutics.} {Dr. Chang} also holds {a doctorate in Biological Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the prestigious University of California.} {He} has also {filed in an excess than 40 patents globally and has published throughout the world.}

{Regarding MultiCell Technologies, Inc.}

A {biopharmaceutical company by the name of MultiCell Technologies, Inc.} is developing {breakthrough technologies in therapeutics based on a varied portfolio of candidates and p drug development under patented programs focused on immune system modulations.} The Company’s {leading drug candidates are targeting fatigue due to multiple sclerosis, relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis, and diabetes type A-1. The new antiviral procedures for treatment are also in the pipeline for therapeutic candidates to address threats of worldwide influenza and infectious diseases and their remedy. A unique technology based on cell technology for use in drug discovery and screening applications is unique to the company and the company is also a leading producer of the cell lines required by the pharmaceutical industry for the development of new medicines and therapeutics.} To learn more about {MultiCell Technologies,} please visit {http://www.multicelltech.com.}



Linking News, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.

Visit www.linkingnews.com.

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How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

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Restaurant Press Release Format | Restaurant Press Release Example | Restaurant Press Release Template

Restaurant Press Release Format | Restaurant Press Release Example | Restaurant Press Release Template

Restaurant Press Release Format, Example, & Template

Restaurant Press Release Format | Restaurant Press Release Example | Restaurant Press Release Template

Restaurant Press Release Format

According to an announcement {date and person making the announcement} restaurant (name of the restaurant in question} has announced {details regarding the launch of the new line of menu or product} will be offered to diners {date of the launch of the new menu or restaurant and the significance of the date if any} The approximate price of the {details regarding the approximate price of the menu} which will include {details regarding the things that will be part of the menu} of the restaurant. Other items will include {details regarding other items in the menu or other special attractions}

The menu includes a lot of different things like {specific details regarding the different constituents of the menu} Other additions to the menu includes {added offers which the diner can avail in the menu that is already up for grabs} Additional prices for these items include {details regarding any added prices associated with the extra additions} Restaurant {name of the restaurant} has won over the years {details regarding the various achievements of the restaurant which makes it a pristine location to dine as well as other added accolades} The {achievement received by the restaurant} won by this restaurant includes {name of the achievement received by the restaurant }

In the words of {a close acquaintance or beneficiary of the restaurant, or someone notable who is aware of the restaurants’ great accolades} regarding the restaurant {name of the restaurant and a comment delivered by that person regarding the restaurant to the media}

{Quote as delivered to the media by an intimate member of the restaurant, ideally the Head Chef or any other notable or famous member} says {name of that member} He further adds to his comment by saying, {further comment regarding the restaurant and its vision as delivered to the media by that member of the restaurant}

{Details that highlight the eminence of that member and how that member has been instrumental in bringing about success to the restaurant} Reservations {details regarding the reservation procedure of the restaurant} which emphasizes on {the main focus of the restaurant} the restaurant is able to accommodate up to {holding capacity of the restaurant and the special services that it renders to parties or groups of people}

Restaurant {name of the restaurant} is based in {location of the restaurant} and their emphasis is on the {recurrence of details regarding the emphasis and vision of the restaurant} For more information regarding the restaurant and the launch of {the name of the new product or restaurant that is about to be launched} please visit {official link to the website of the restaurant that further elaborates the details}

Restaurant {name of the restaurant} is known for {things that makes the restaurant attractive and a strong conclusion regarding the same}


Restaurant Press Release Template

The following press release example shows how to write a Restaurant Press Release:



James Randall launches its innovative new three-course meal that is sure to tease every diner’s taste buds



According to an announcement {today the executive of the} restaurant (James Randall} has announced {that a special menu involving a three-course prix fixe} will be offered to diners {on the night of February the 14th, in order to honor the Valentine’s Day.} The approximate price of the {entire event will be $65} which will include {one small plate of salad, one large plate of main course and a dessert from the regular menu} of the restaurant. Other items will include {a few specials from the cocktail menu as well as some additional food.}

The menu includes a lot of different things like a {cold-smoked oyster, seared mahi-mahi in a combination with champagne coulis, and a torte made of chocolate that has been complemented with a raspberry fig compote.} Other additions to the menu includes {a wine pairing option for each course that has been included in the menu.} Additional prices for these items include {$30 per person for every complementary wine that has been ordered.} Restaurant {James Randall} has won over the years {several awards in the culinary segment and has created a noteworthy name for itself. Head Chef Hanson has always been part of the team in their journey towards reaching this formidable culinary feat.} The {awards} won by this restaurant includes {the Open Table Diner’s Choice in the year of 2010.}

In the words of {Matthew Roberts, the CEO of OpenTable} regarding the restaurant {James Randall, “A place to dine when you want upscale food, without the pressure of dining to match. Chef Ross Hanson does a phenomenal job at creating unique dishes that utilize fresh local ingredients.”}

{“I love having the opportunity to give OpenTable diners a chance to taste the passion put into our dishes, especially on a day of such love and togetherness,”} says {Chef Hanson.} He further adds to his comment by saying, {“Our goal at Restaurant James Randall is to allow diners to experience the many flavors offered on our menu and keep the price affordable.”}

{Chef Hansion is a meticulous chef who has learned his skills from the California Culinary Institute situated in San Francisco. The chef is known to guide the New American menu to new heights by employing his formidable experience and knowledge in the field of creating culinary masterpieces.} Reservations {are not required to be made at the restaurant,} which emphasizes on {a casual and upscale dining experience.} The restaurant is able to accommodate up to {85 people for private parties and has an infrastructure to cater well to their various culinary needs.}

Restaurant {James Randall} is based in {Los Gatos, CA} and their emphasis is on the {New American food, with special added emphasis on the use of local ingredients for the creation of their culinary treats.} For more information regarding the restaurant and the launch of {their new menu} please visit {http://restaurantjamesrandal.com/}

Restaurant {James Randall} is known for {their great emphasis on creating great New American Food for the masses and creates culinary greats which are going to be highlighted by the launch of this new three-course prix fixe menu.}


Linking News, the best press release distribution services provider, has the strongest network in the entire industry, including more than 10000 news outlets and over 1000 social media networks around the globe. We distribute your company’s news or articles to thousands of the world’s top media outlets and over 30,000+ journalists. Your story will be syndicated to many news and media sites, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and many more notable names.

Visit www.linkingnews.com.

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How can we help you?

With a highly skilled and dedicated team of professionals, we work closely with you to help you publish your press release on the world’s top media outlets.

Best Press Release Distribution Service

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Brand Press Release Format | Brand Press Release Example | Brand Press Release Template

Learn the brand press release format and use the brand press release template (brand press release example) for your needs.

Brand Press Release Format, Example, & Template

Learn the brand press release format and use the brand press release template (brand press release example) for your needs.

Brand Press Release Format

On {date of brand launch,} at the {location of brand launch} {name of the company launching the product} is planning to launch their {name of the product that is to be launched} at the {specific details regarding the location and event where the product is going to be launched. Further details regarding the preliminary details regarding the product as well as the situations which brought forth the launch.}{Name of the company launching the product} is launching {name of the product that is to be launched} because the company feels that {reasons for launching the product} and has the scope of becoming {qualities that makes the product worthy of launching and creating success for the brand in question}

The launch of the brand will be held at {location of the product launch} and will premier {name of the product that is to be launched} The event would hold opportunities {attractions that makes the product launch special and heightens the brand value of the product} The audience will also have the chance to avail {added attractions that are part of the product launch}

In the words of {name and designation of a close member of the brand and a comment as released by him/her to the media regarding the product} According to {name and comment of another close member to the product launch as released to the media} The claim by the company was further supported by {name of another close member of the brand and product} who said that {comment released by that person regarding the product in front of the media}

The price of {name of the product and its price} and would be available at {places where the product would be available} {name of the product that is to be launched} will make the perfect {qualities that make the product perfect for buying, gifting, consumption or selling} {name of the product that is to be launched} is a product {qualities that makes the product classy and worthy of selling} {name of the company} itself is a brand which is {qualities which makes the company a noteworthy company and worthy of brand value} The campaign is slated to be released {the tentative date of the release of the product } The release is slated to be done on a {the availability of the product and how much the masses can take advantage of that situation } The {name of the product to be launched} is created by {name of the creator of the product and the qualities that make his product so special.} The qualities of the product include {further details regarding the product that makes it special and so attractive to the masses}


Brand Release Template

The following press release example shows how to write a Brand Press Release:



Dior re-launches their classic woman’s fragrance Dior Diorissmo



On {Saturday the 11th of September} at the {Somerset House in London} {Dior} is planning to launch their {Dior Diorissmo} at the {London Fashion Week which is a fashion pop-up event. This would be one of the few cities to experience the pop-up culture and will be one of the first to do so. It will have its stores experience the re-launch of the fragrance that Dior wants to bring forth to the people once again.}{Dior} is launching {this fragrance} because the company feels that {the fragrance has been forgotten} and has the scope of becoming {the next best fragrant that is available to the public. It has the scope of becoming a world-famous possession for women all over the world.}

The launch of the brand will be held at {Somerset House} and will premier {the re-launch of the forgotten fragrance Dior Diorissmo.} The event would hold opportunities {of photographs being taken of the new face of the campaign, the brand ambassador of the product as well as the model of Victoria Secrets Adriana Lima. Adriana Lima and Raff Simmons will also hold a Q&A round in order to interact the audience and answer questions that they might have.} The audience will also have the chance to avail {makeover from their hair to their nails.}

In the words of {Raf Simmons, a famous Belgian designer said, “Diorissmo embodies the true essence of Dior and now that we are launching it I feel every woman should embrace the Dior woman in them.”} According to {Adriana Lima, a renowned Victoria Secrets model, “I love the smell of Dior Diorissmo. It makes me feel sexy without even trying.”} The claim by the company was further supported by {Alexandra Schulman} who said that {“My mother always told me that a woman is not fully dressed until she has a scent, my scent is Diorissmo by Dior because it is a classic.”}

The price of {Dior Diorissmo starts at €60} and would be available at {Hammonds House of Fraser and Selfridges.} {Dior Diorissmo} will make the perfect {Christmas gift and can be given to any woman as the perfect gift to be able to showcase her true beauty and style, while also speaking in an honest fashion about the fragrance associated with Christmas.} {Dior Diorissmo} is a product {which speaks of elegance and class and is made by the finest of professionals in the field of perfume making.} {Dior} itself is a brand which is {par excellence speaks highly about the quality and brand value of the purchase.} The campaign is slated to be released {worldwide by the end of the next month.} The release is slated to be done on a {global scale making the product available to the masses.} The {perfume} is created by {Francois Demachy, who is a renowned perfume creator for Dior} and embodies the {true essence of the original Diorissmo Eau de Toilette.} The qualities of the product include {a deeper, richer and more intense fragrance than that of its predecessor. The product has a dominant jasmine floral note imbibed in it.}


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Grand Opening Press Release Format | Grand Opening Press Release Example | Grand Opening Press Release Template

Grand Opening Press Release Format - Grand Opening Press Release Example - Grand Opening Press Release Template

Grand Opening Press Release Format, Example, & Template

Grand Opening Press Release Format - Grand Opening Press Release Example - Grand Opening Press Release Template

Grand Opening Press Release Format

{Name of the place} will have its grand opening {location of the place that is to open} The grand opening is slated to be held on the {tentative date and time of the opening}

According to sources, the opening of the {name of the place} will showcase {details regarding the attractions that would be a part of the grand opening. Details may include special performances by artists and what these performances will entail or details regarding the artwork of various artists. Also, mention why these artists are famous and what makes their presence so noteworthy during the grand opening}

{Further details regarding the services or attractive performances that the artists or attractions in question are going to make available to the attending crowd} The opening is orchestrated by {name of the sponsor, curator, beneficiary or Samaritan who is helping the place get opened successfully}

In the words of {name of the owner of the place followed by a comment regarding the opening of the place and the vision that he/she had behind it as disclosed to the media} {gender of the person in third person singular} further added {another quote relating to the opening of the new place as has been disclosed to the media}

For more information regarding the opening {necessary details regarding valid contact information and official website link of the place opening}

{details regarding the benefits and attraction that the opening of this place brings to its surrounding neighborhood and how it stands out from the rest of the neighborhood and can prove to be a valid attraction} exhibits {details regarding the special attractions that the place holds which makes it stand out in the neighborhood} The goal of the {the vision and goal of the owner and how it intends to benefit the society with the opening of this place}


Grand Opening Press Release Template

The following press release example shows how to write a Grand Opening Press Release:



The South Beach neighborhood of Miami opens their first fine arts gallery




{The Williams McCall Gallery, which is the first fine art gallery on the South Beach} will have its grand opening {on the South of Fifth.} The grand opening is slated to be held on {Saturday, the 11th of February at 12 pm local time.}

According to the source, the opening of the {gallery} will showcase {the esteemed works of ten contemporary artists which include the likes of Madeline Abling, David Evans, Enrique Flores-Galbis, Ernie Bynum, John Dowd, Larry Johnson, Joan Cobb Marsh, Marty Ittner, Taka Maruno, Mike Wright. Abling is famous for her pictorial representation of musical instruments and sailboats on top of canvases with the use of bold and playful colors. Evans is a Nat-Geo photographer, who is known for his depiction of beautiful and mystical landscapes which often look otherworldly through the lens of his camera. Galbis is a renowned and esteemed faculty of the New Jersey Centre for Visual Arts and has also been a member of the Parsons School of Design as well as the Morris and Montclair Museums. Bynum is known for his pictures which are highly influenced by various images of nature, especially those from West Africa, the Caribbean, and the US. Dowd is renowned for painting structural elements of landscapes but making them extraordinary by keeping them devoid of people. Ittner is known for creating collages with the help of wax and paper along with fragments of ephemera. Johnson is a sports artist and illustrator, while Cobb Marsh is an oil painter who is renowned for her paintings of interiors as well as depicting fleeting images of beauty. Maruno is a printmaker, whose work of abstract etchings is highly influenced by and resembling of his early years in the suburban surroundings of Tokyo. Wright is known for his construction of non-objective assemblages from objects that he has found lying around.}

{Abling, Cobb Marsh, Dowd, Bynum, Maruno, Evans, and Wright would all be available for interactive sessions with the crowd as well as discuss in detail with the audience the details and intricacies of their work.} The opening is orchestrated by {the curator Christine McCarthy, who is the Executive Director of the Provincetown Art Association and Museum of Provincetown.}

In the words of {Gail Williams, owner of the gallery, “I know amazing artists and, over the years, many of them have asked me to help them promote their work. It has always been my dream to open an art gallery, and when we found this great space, I knew the time was right.”} {She} further added {“Our goal is to place our artists’ work in a wide range of public and private collections”}

For more information regarding the opening {contact 786-359-4321 or visit williamsmccallgallery.com.}

{The Williams McCall Gallery is one of the newest additions to the trendy neighborhood of the South of Fifth on the South Beach, and also the first fine art gallery that is there in that area. The stylish and minimalistic gallery} exhibits {the works of emerging or mid-career and even established artists who create their works on paper, paintings, fine art photographs, assemblage and encaustic.} The goal of the {Williams McCall Gallery is to bridge the works of various artists communities and provide their work with a greater exposure in front of a newer market.}


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Artist Press Release Format | Artist Press Release Example | Artist Press Release Template

Artist Press Release Format | Artist Press Release Example | Artist Press Release Template

Artist Press Release Format, Example, & Template

Artist Press Release Format | Artist Press Release Example | Artist Press Release Template

Artist Press Release Format

{Name of the artist}, is excited to announce {the album or exhibition that the artist is going to unveil and some preliminary details regarding the album or exhibition in question} this {exhibition or album to be launched} will be showcasing {the things that are expected to be included in the contents of the concerned exhibition or album launch}

{Further details about the album or exhibition that the artist is going to launch. Get into details regarding the affiliations of the artist and the methods that the artist has employed in order to get the desired results. Also, mention details about the things that an average person should be expecting from the exhibition or album launch and the highlights of the same}

In the words of {the name and designation of a close acquaintance of the artist who has made a comment about their upcoming release} regarding the artist {the name of the artist and then the comment that has been made regarding her to the media}

{Details about buying options and how it will be made available to the public, regarding the exhibition or album in concern} The artist will {added elements to the launch of the album or exhibition in question}

{Name of the artist and the album or exhibition in question} is slated to {tentative date of the release or opening and the related concerns regarding the same} Sponsors for {name of sponsors or beneficiaries} {added details regarding the exhibition’s or album’s release or opening} For more information {official link to the website which surmises the details regarding the release of the album or opening of the exhibition}


Artist Press Release Template

The following press release example shows how to write an Artist Press Release:



Zoya Kraus Unveils Her Latest Collection of Art WILD ART at Virgin Walls, Blackheath



{Zoya Kraus} is excited to announce {her third solo exhibition. She would be showcasing her exhibition of Wild Art, which would be featured in the pop-up space Virgin Walls of Blackheath. This is Blackheath’s first pop up exhibition.} This {exhibition} will be showcasing {the talent of this surface artist of turning the varied and broad range of mediums into something extraordinary with her dynamic sense of design and the iridescent touch of her brush strokes.}

{People visiting the exhibition will be able to buy the first production pieces which are also limited in stock while also being allowed to be charmed by the vivid and wild styles and colors of the new collection that the artist will have up for her exhibition. Australian flora and fauna images that have been added with a quirky and bold twist will feature heavily within the new collection of her art pieces. The artist has been able to bring out a unique story of each of the characters in her art with the use of meticulously delivered color and ingenious use of the composition. Motifs find a repetition in the clothing brand of the designer also known as ZOYZ. These motifs are printed by the Sydney and London based fabric printing house called THINK POSITIVE PRINTS. The clients of this house include the likes of Linda Jackson, Willow, Akira Isogawa, Romance was born and a wide range of A-listed Australian artists.}

In the words of {Penny Mcintyre; the owner of the exclusive print house THINK POSITIVE PRINTS, that was established by her in the year 1984;} regarding the artist {Zoya, she says, “Zoya Kraus is one of those enormously talented people whose creativity and skill can be applied across such a wide range of mediums. Painting, illustration, textile and even body art Zoya channels her love for color anywhere she can. She lives in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, with her 3 children whose “naive imaginations” and the “spirit of life and family and my wild environment” are a constant source of inspiration for all her work.”}

{All the art and clothing designs that will be available at the exhibition will be eligible for sale. Although they are in limited stock and might not be available afterward owing to the huge popularity of the artist.} The artist will {also be adding homewares and skate decks to her collection in order to provide a dynamic sense to the things available at her exhibition.}

{Zoya’s exhibition WILD ART} is slated to {be appearing during this October Long Weekend. The opening night is set to be held on Friday the 3rd at the location Virgin Walls, Blackheath.} Sponsors for {the event include local wild brewers Hill Billy Ciders.} {The event is open to all and it starts at 6 p.m. For the closing ceremony a closing tea on the afternoon of Monday the 6th has been set around 2 p.m.} For more information {regarding the details and other related information about the exhibition held by the famous artist kindly visit zoyakraus.com.au or go to virginwalls.com.au}


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Amazon Press Release Format | Amazon Press Release Example | Amazon Press Release Template

Amazon Press Release Format | Amazon Press Release Example | Amazon Press Release Template

Amazon Press Release Format, Example, & Template

Amazon Press Release Format | Amazon Press Release Example | Amazon Press Release Template

Amazon Press Release Format

Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), a company owned by Amazon.com, announced {news regarding the new launch or service that is being introduced by the company and the tentative date on which the release is going to be made} {details about the new release and how that release is going to shape up the pre-existing scenario of the company. Details regarding location, number of launches and other preliminary details that concern the launch or service that has been made available } For more information about {link to the company’s website which elaborates in detail about the necessary details regarding the concerned factors or the launch itself}

In the words of {name of a reputed member of the organization} of Amazon Web Services, Inc., {a prominent comment that has been made by that person in regards to the launch of the new product or service. The gender of the person in the third person singular} further added, {another comment made to the media by that person which further elaborates the company’s stance or feelings towards the launch}

AWS is known to make a series of investments and {name of the new product or service} is new in the long list of such investments. {History concerning the launch of the new service or product. Prior developments made before the final launch} AWS has also {situations which have brought the company to make this launch and all the other developments financial, managerial, social, and infrastructural that have been made in order to support the ultimate launch of the product or service}

The launching of {name of the product or service} will be highly beneficial for other organizations as it will enable them to {benefits that the launch of the new product or service will bring to the masses and other companies that are associated with the mother organization} Along with this, the launching of {further benefits that will be enjoyed by the masses due to the launch of the new product or service}


Amazon Press Release Template

The following press release example shows how to write the Amazon Press Release:



Amazon Web Services Widens Their Presence with Their New Infrastructure in South Africa



Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), a company owned by Amazon.com, announced {today that in the first half of the year 2020, they would be opening a new infrastructure in South Africa.} {The new infrastructure will contain will consist three Availability Zones in the AWS Africa (Cape Town) Region. Currently, AWS has 55 Availability Zones spread over 19 infrastructure based regions all around the world. 12 of these Availability Zones are spread across four different AWS regions, including Bahrain, SAR, Hong Kong, and Sweden. There is also a GovCloud region set in the US, which is expected to be made online in upcoming months.} For more information about {the AWS’s foothold in the global infrastructure you can visit https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/.}

In the words of {Andy Jassy, the CEO} of Amazon Web Services, Inc., {“Having built the original version of Amazon EC2 in our Cape Town development center 14 years ago, and with thousands of African companies using AWS for years, we’ve been able to witness first-hand the technical talent and potential in Africa.” He} further added, {“Technology has the opportunity to transform lives and economies across Africa and we’re excited about AWS and the Cloud being a meaningful part of that transformation.”}

AWS is known to make a series of investments and {the new infrastructure in Cape Town} is new in the long list of such investments. {Since the year 2004 Amazon had finished building a development center in Cape Town, which focuses mainly on the building of pioneering technologies. They also develop next-generation software, as well as the technology which is used for the Amazon EC2.} AWS has also {invested in building a number of local support teams which include the likes of customers service representatives, account managers, solutions architects, partners managers and many more in order to help different customers as they move to the cloud. An office in Johannesburg was opened in the year 2015, following which in the year 2017 Amazon bought to Africa, the Amazon Global Network, via AWS Direct Connect. AWS continued its investments in South Africa by bringing prominent infrastructure points to the continent as of May 2018. The cities of Cape Town and Johannesburg saw Amazon Route 53, Amazon CloudFront, AWS Shield, and AWS WAF being launched. These launchings helped the company spread its global presence by adding to the 138 prominent infrastructure locations that it has all around the world.}

The launching of {this new infrastructure zone in Cape Town (Africa)} will be highly beneficial for other organizations as it will enable them to {provide lower latency services to users across the Sub-Saharan African region. It will also enable these companies to take advantage of advanced technologies like AI, Machine Learning, IoT, mobile services and help themselves towards driving innovation. It will also enable local AWS customers to store data within their country itself, with the assurance that this data will not be moved without their consent.} Along with this, the launching of {the new infrastructure regions will enable the people who have agreed to comply with the upcoming Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) will be able to have security measures and infrastructure that protects their data, in the highest standards of international compliance.}


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Event Press Release Format | Event Press Release Example | Event Press Release Template

Event Press Release Format - Event Press Release Example - Event Press Release Template

Event Press Release Format, Example, & Template

Event Press Release Format - Event Press Release Example - Event Press Release Template

Event Press Release Format

{Name of the company} {a brief introduction to the company} {talk about the event..} highly prestigious event {an announcement, an award ceremony, a meet, a discussion relating to the industry and why the event was held, can mention the name of the product or service and its benefits, relating to the event}

{An introduction to what the company is into…can talk a few lines on the products, services and its journey over the years in the industry…can mention if any contribution made to the industry, in particular to the event}

{Achievement of the company (Product or service)} or {contribution, a big announcement} The event was attended by {talk about the event…the attendees…the venue and who presided over the event} {details on the contribution can be given a brief description. The important names present at the event can be mentioned}

The event {Talk a few more lines on the event..how it started and unfurled..mention each thing that went by}

{Talk about the company’s achievement relating to the event..its contribution to the society and industry}

{The industry name} industry highly appreciates {describe briefly why the industry is impressed…and the consequences of the event..talk about the future plans of the company} { Benefits of the event can also be described..industry support, financial issues and the future of the industry as a whole} {was the event a success? if so, how?}

The event was also a great platform { for what}


Event Press Release Template

The following press release example shows how to write the Event Press Release:



CURIE Pharmaceuticals Awarded For Making The Cheapest Hypertension Medicine 



{CURIE Pharmaceuticals}, {a well-known name in the pharmaceutical industry} received an award at a highly prestigious event {for coming up with the cheapest hypertension drug “Hypercon” that can help millions of patients across the globe suffering from hypertension. This exceptional medicine, claims the company, can cure the patients of the disease without burdening them financially. The drug is very affordable and priced far below the many others available on the market right now. It is tested, tried and approved by the concerned authorities and now made available at all pharma stores and hospitals across the country.}

{CURIE Pharmaceuticals have been in the industry for over 4 decades now and are a reputed brand for several medicines. The company supplies drugs to numerous healthcare institutions, medical outlets, both big brands and small ones through a large network it has established over the years. The company supplies medicines for diabetes, liver and kidney issues, disorders of gallbladder, cardiac problems, ortho and neuro diseases apart from hypertension. Doctors, surgeons and several major personalities from the medical fraternity have been prescribing the company’s medicines for their patients over the years.}

{CURIE’}s pioneering {drug “Hypercon” won accolades and was awarded the “Best Drug Award of the year” by the Drug Administration Board of the country.} The event was attended by {numerous people from the medical industry. All big names were present, doctors, heads of big pharmaceutical companies, medical association members, surgeons, directors of several medical institutes and many more. The award was presented by the Board president. The event was held at the conference hall of the Drug Administration Board office. }

The event {started with the introduction of the Board members and major personalities of CURIE Pharmaceuticals, the awarding, followed by group discussion, Q&A session, and lunch. Everything went smooth and perfect.}

{There are several medicines for hypertension available very easily, that can greatly help reduce the symptoms. However, CURIE Pharmaceuticals has gone a step ahead and come up with a very cheap drug for controlling the disease, reduce the effects and eventually cure the condition. This has largely helped the hypertension patients that come from very poor financial backgrounds. CURIE is reaching out to all those concerned in the industry in all the cities, towns and rural areas to make sure the medicine reaches those that genuinely need it. The event intended to recognize this contribution of the company to the society. }

{The medical} industry highly appreciates {CURIE}’s {achievement. Sources say that CURIE Pharmaceuticals is receiving offers for joint ventures and partnership research. However what the company will decide need to be observed in the days to come. Inventions are not new to the medical industry, but CURIE says it is making medicines affordable to the poorest of the poor that is the challenge. The industry is encouraging and offering full support for research by CURIE Pharmaceuticals. This was made clear at the award ceremony.}

The event was also a great platform {for the medical fraternity to connect and discuss on the future of medicine. CURIE has tasted success with “Hypercon” and leading the path for better, inexpensive medicines.}



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